
426 West 1st Street

Casper, Wyoming 82601



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    • Help get the weight off and keep it off
    • All Natural
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    • We offer Body Sculpting
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    • Health is Wealth


It Just Makes Sense                                       

The Knowledge to Help You Keep Those Pounds Off!

Obesity in Today’s Society

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention labels obesity as public enemy number one. Obesity is a serious health issue that affects nearly 30% of the population in North America. Obese individuals have a higher-than-normal rate of hypertension, type II diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, gallbladder diseases, osteoarthritis, strokes, respiratory diseases and even some types of cancers. Government studies predict that one in three people born

today will develop diabetes in their lifetime. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, the number of overweight children has doubled and the number of overweight adolescents has tripled since 1980 in the USA.


We are one of the richest countries in the world with the largest obesity rate per capita and some of the largest healthcare costs per person. How did we get here? Increased consumption of more energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods with high levels of sugar and saturated fats, combined with reduced physical activity and stress, all have contributed to where we are today, a state that the World Health Organization has no qualms labeling as an “obesity epidemic.”


Syndrome X

Our goal is to help address the issues surrounding Syndrome X, also called the "metabolic syndrome.” To qualify as part of this epidemic that is steamrolling North America, adults or

children need only suffer from 2 of the 4 components of the metabolic syndrome:

1) Obesity

2) Blood sugar issues (Diabetes)

3) Cholesterol problems

4) High blood pressure

weight loss

Learn more about Ideal You and how you can start your journey to weight loss today!

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